Please note: RCC will be closed July 4 in observance of Independence Day.
RCC campus at night

NECHE Update

NECHE Update

Dear Colleagues,

Excellence is both a top priority and a core value at Roxbury Community College. For the institution to remain a beacon of quality, affordable education in Boston, the College’s academic excellence must be confirmed through full NECHE accreditation. 

Earlier this month, the College received a notice from NECHE (attached for full transparency) noting the Commission’s heightened concern about RCC’s ability to “comply with the standard on Educational Effectiveness, as evidenced by the lack of mission-specific indicators of student success and the development and implementation of a comprehensive assessment plan.”  Yesterday, NECHE issued a public notation with their concern.

I am proud of the work that we have completed over the past 12 months to build a more robust culture of assessment, reinvigorate programs, and add student learning outcomes that are mission-aligned and meet industry standards.  While I am disappointed in NECHE’s decision to issue a public notice, I am confident that so long as we continue with our plans for both memorializing and developing student learning outcomes, we are poised for a successful NECHE focused review in 2023.

Interim Executive Vice President Joyce Taylor Gibson, RCC’s academic deans, and faculty chairs will lead the planned efforts to address NECHE’s concerns over the next few months in preparation for the focused review.  In the meantime, every RCC employee can support these efforts by completing Achieving the Dream’s Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool, which was initially shared by Dean Van Dreason earlier this week. 

To complete the survey, visit:

All respondents will need to enter the 8-digit authentication code for Roxbury Community College:  3cjxPXkU

Thank you all for supporting RCC’s efforts to build and enhance and culture of assessment in alignment with NECHE’s standard on Educational Effectiveness.  So long as we continue our mission-driven work together, there’s nothing we can’t achieve!


Jackie Jenkins-Scott
Interim President, Roxbury Community College

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