Roxbury Basketball



Roxbury Community College is committed to ensuring that every student who matriculates can feel successful. RCC’s SUCCESS (Supporting Urgent Community College Equity Through Student Services) Program is part of the Commonwealth’s overall SUCCESS initiative to support underserved and historically underrepresented students. SUCCESS at RCC supports English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Men of Color, LGBTQ+ students, and other students who could benefit from wrap-around supports that will keep them on track for retention and graduation.

Students in the SUCCESS program will receive more robust advising and academic support services, on-campus leadership opportunities, bi-weekly workshops, and courses designed to connect skill-building to learning experiences, community connection, and career guidance. This continuum will be supported by early alert interventions that deliver an expanded suite of timely interventions coordinated by Success Coaches who will focus on advising students through one-on-one meetings and connecting them to tutoring, academic support, and the Office of Student Life.

Academic Support

Requesting Support

Students looking to request information from Student SUCCESS can email or call 857-701-1410.

Request support by email

Request support by phone

Check out the newest SUCCESS Team Brochure!


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