RCC Students: After a brief network outage caused by vendor error, course evaluations are now available and will be until December 14th. Please take the time to evaluate your courses this semester. Students should have received emailed evaluation links, and they are linked on Canvas (https://rcc.instructure.com/) as well.
Registrar’s Office

Registrar’s Office

Registrar’s Office

The Registrar’s Office supports the entire RCC community by maintaining student records, course schedules, and important documentation that follows students from enrollment to graduation. 

Responsibilities include: 

  • Maintains the Academic Catalog: 

2024-2025 Course Catalog (Current)  

2022-2024 Course Catalog

2019-2021 Course Catalog

(Please visit archived course catalogs for more)

The Registrar’s Office is overseen by the college Registrar. The office is in Building 2, Room 202.  

Registrar’s Office
First Name Last Name Title Department Phone Email Room
profile picture
Cavelier Registrar Registrar's Office 857-701-1252 acavelier@rcc.mass.edu 2-202 B
profile picture
Akdikmen Associate Registrar Registrar's Office 857-701-1665 lakdikmen@rcc.mass.edu 2-202C
profile picture
Legacy Administrative Assistant Registrar's Office 857-701-1203 clegacy@rcc.mass.edu 2-202
profile picture
Nguyen Clerk V Registrar's Office 857-701-1275 dnguyen2@rcc.mass.edu 2-202D


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